This week's TT Test is taken by the awesome Jay Bellerose, a drummer who you may have heard playing with Alison Kraus & Robert Plant, B.B.King, Beck and Ray LaMontagne amongst others. His sound is very special as he collects & uses vintage drums & percussion whose inconsistency may be off putting to some drummers but for Jay add a certain drama to the sound. Having had the privilege of working with Jay on the new record I was so blown away by how he builds a groove, layers & brings structure to the track... I was sometimes surprised by his choices but ultimately always persuaded by them. The only problem is now that I've played with Jay every time I hear a song I think, 'I wonder how Jay would approach this ?!' What is your wake up song at the moment? My favorite music at the moment is the sound of my dog Buster snoring away. It gives me great comfort right now. My espresso machine starting up is a close second followed by Hank Mobley's soul station record. Which work of art or single event has most influenced you in your chosen profession? My most influential moment was when my brother Nelson saw me at age five lose my mind over a set of drums. He put me on the path and has guided me since. If you could travel back in time, which period would you most like to visit & why? I would go back to the 20's, 30's & 40's. I'm really in love with the music and over all style from that period. I love eating out & discovering restaurants can you please recommend one to me? Casa mono in NYC is a current favourite of mine [link]What is the best advice you have ever been given relating to your professional/creative life? The best advice for me so far came from T Bone Burnett. "Own it". BONUS QUESTION You are in Ray LaMontagne's band The Pariah Dogs who feature on his new album, how does it feel to be in a band as oppose to a session musician? Being in a band isn't so different other than a bit more acknowledgement.
This week's wake up song is from Karen Carpenter's solo record that was recorded in New York in 1979 & produced by Phil Ramone. I just love this song & performance & can't understand why it is not more widely known. It's not really a wake up song, it's actually the perfect song for a delicious bout of late night melancholy, and easily stands up next to the great Carpenters' ballads. Tantalisingly, when she was making this record the legendary songwriter Rod Temperton played her very early versions of 'Off the Wall' and 'Rock With You' but Carpenter turned them down on the grounds that they were too funky. Of course, the rest is history and they ended up being recorded by Michael Jackson but it would have been fascinating to have heard her take on those songs, love tt.
Last week I spent a lot of time trying to decide upon the sequence for the new record. It was quite difficult, it's one of those records where once you change the position of one track you have to go right back to the beginning and listen to the new sequence and it is very stubborn about what will & won't work so that process seemed to go on forever. Usually, I just listen to the tail end and intros of songs & the sequence is logical & easy... I think on this new record there are a lot of big personalities vying for space so it has not been so straightforward ! And also I usually I have a sort of story sequence in my head but this record... I think this one just wants to do it's own thing ;) love tt
ThisweeksTT Test istakenbyoneofmyfavouritemusicians, guitarist Mark Creswell. I first met Mark when I was 18 and wastheopeningact for thebandhewas in BrendanCrocker & theFiveO'ClockShadows. I wasimmediatelyentrancedbyhisjoyous, spiritedplaying and recentlywhen I beganwriting a new set songs and wassearching for a waytobring more groove & movementintomysongs I immediatelythoughtof Mark as a co-writer. You'll have towaittillnextyeartoseehowthesongs have turned out but I for oneamextremelyhappywiththeresults !! Hisanswers are veryinteresting and strangely - if I couldtravelback in timeitwouldprobablyalsobeto 18thCenturyGermanyso I couldeavesdrop on Bachimprovising, I hopethat's a goodomenthatwe are suitable musical partners ! Lots of love tt. Whatisyourwakeupsongatthe moment ? An alltimefavourite and regularplayer on myjuke box MP3 isthewonderfullyeccentric 'PersianLovers' byHolgerCzukaybut[link]. If I needsomethingtoreallybounce me intothedayitwould have tobe 'Do I Love You ?' by Frank Wilson[link] for it'sjoy & bestbasslinetoboot. Whichworkof art or single eventhasmost in yourchosen profession ?The invention & developmentoftheelectricguitar in the 20thCentury. What'snottolike ? Theysoundgreat, look fantastic... and youcan use a wah-wahpedalwiththemtoo ! If youcouldtravelback in time, whichperiodwouldyoumostliketovisit & why ? I would go backto 1720 and bebeamedintoBach'slifeatthetimewhenhewasdirectorofmusic for Prince Leopold in Germany. I wouldof course speak fluent German and have beeninoculated for all possible diseases! I'dtakewith me a goodstereo compact recorder and record himwhilsthewasimprovising & composingthecello suites or violinsonatas & seehowheworked & howheplayed & howhesounded on the instruments ofhisowntime. Seejusthow 'well-tempered' hewas :) I'dalsotakebackwith me Bach'sCompleteworks in printedmanuscript & leavethemwithhim, includingtheonesthathehadn'tthoughtofyet, justtohelphim out a bit & makelife in thosetimes a littleeasier... uponmyreturntothenowseewhatrippleeffect & repercussionsmylittlevisithaduponthehistoryofmusic & in particular Rock 'n Roll ! It's a sort ofchicken & eggthinglike in thisfavourite 'Bowie's in Space' sketch byFlightoftheConchords[link]. I love eating out & discoveringnewrestaurants canyoupleaserecommendoneto me ? I don'tgettoeat out muchexceptwhenI'mwithyou & that'salwaysrathertasty. I prefer simple foodsoI'drecommend 'Corner Cafe ' in Leeds[link] a small, friendlyfamilyrun restaurant whichjusthitsthe spot. Whatisthebestadviceyou have everbeengivenrelatingtoyourprofessional/ creativelife ?Seeing as mychosencareerismusic, thebestadvicetowhichI'veneverheededis 'Get a Job !' BONUS QUESTION Howwastheexperienceofrecordingthenewsongsthatwe have writtentogether & are youhappywiththewaythey have turned out ?Recordingthesenewsongswas a reallygreatexperience for me, wesomehowfell on ourfeetthrough a seriesofoddevents & coincidencesthatlanded us both in LA, recordingwith a set ofamazingmusicians & broughttogetherbytheawesome Paul Bryan's production. Playingwiththeseguysreallyopenedupthesongsbeyondallmyexpectations & left me withtheresounding affirmation thatmusicisatit'sbestwhenitinvolvesthe interaction ofsouls & mindstogetheri.emusicians ! Theserecordings have somuchlife & vibrancythat I hearsomethingnew on everylisteninggivingthem a magical, timelessqualitythat I love.